The child has one intuitive aim: self development

What a wonderful world….

Today saw the end of our workshops in Friends House and it was a very fitting end to a wonderful week. I can’t tell you how much Michelle and I have enjoyed working with the children this week. Today we learnt about bees and how important they are to our eco-system. We got lots of information from The Woodland Trust website to help us.

This is a class poem written by children in years 1, 2 and 3. It was inspired by the poem Leave the Whales Alone, Please! by Tony Bradman  in the brilliant book of eco-poetry ALL THE WILD WONDERS.  Each child came up with ideas and contributed to the poem. I just had to share it with you as it is brilliant! I hope you enjoy it.


best wishes, Helena


Leave the bees alone, please!


Leave the bees alone, please!

They pollinate our flowers

like bluebells, daffodils and crocuses

bees have super eco powers.


Leave the bees alone, please!

They pollinate our food

like carrots, strawberries and apples

they should never be shooed.


Leave the bees alone please

they prop up our eco-system

and support birds, bats and mammals

so we need to use our wisdom.






Helena Steel founded the Story Room in 2013 and has never looked back. She has tutored children for their 11-plus exams for the past 17 years and is a partner at She is in awe of children’s minds; how they can absorb and retain information, their brilliant creativity and how they can improve across the whole curriculum (including foreign languages, science and maths) with a little help with their English. She studied Law at UCL, is a qualified solicitor, a published poet and has been a judge on the BBC 500 words competition. She has helped hundreds of children gain entry to schools including; City of London (girls and boys), St.Pauls, Dame Alice Owens, Latymer, Henrietta Barnet, Queen Elizabeth Boys, Haberdashers (girls and boys), St Albans, Channing, St Michael’s Catholic School, U.C.S, Dubai College (U.E.A), Sevenoaks, Highgate, Merchant Taylor, Benedeen, North London Collegiate, Highgate, Mill Hill, Palmers Green High, St John’s (Enfield), Queenswood, Haileybury and more...

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