Young Writers’ Club is a club for our youngest writers aged 5- 7 years old, in years 1, 2 and 3.
During the workshop the children will take their first steps in creative writing – inspired by a variety of resources, including music, visual aids and stories that we will read them. Our aims are to boost your child’s confidence with their writing and at the same time developing your child’s writing skills and opening their imaginations! Most of all, we hope that our passion for English inspires your child to enjoy all aspects of English – from writing (in all its forms) to reading.
We currently have these groups running online:
For Years 1, 2 and 3
Final Date of 2024: December 14th
Our 2025 dates: 18th January, 8th February, 8th March, 5th April
Time: 10am to 11.30am
How many in a group? 4-5 in an online class.
Fee: 115.00 for all 4 dates booked.
Venue: ONLINE via zoom
Our face-to-face clubs
For our face-to-face dates in Friends House, London N21 1LE please click here